Characterisation of barium nitrate, widely used in fireworks.

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Properties of barium nitrate English name: Barium nitrate; Molecular formula: Ba(NO3)2; Molecular weight: 261.34;

(1) Physical and chemical properties. Appearance and properties: Colourless or whitish cubic crystals, slightly hygroscopic; Melting point: 592°C; Relative density (water = 1): 3.24; Solubility: Soluble in water and concentrated sulphuric acid, insoluble in alcohol and concentrated nitric acid.This article comes from:

(2) Health risks: Misuse may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, slow pulse, headaches and dizziness. In severe cases of poisoning, progressive muscle paralysis, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure and a marked drop in blood potassium levels may occur. Death may occur as a result of cardiac arrhythmias and paralysis of the respiratory muscles. The product can damage the kidneys. Inhalation of large quantities of dust can also cause poisoning, but gastrointestinal reactions are less serious. Prolonged exposure may cause mouth ulcers, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, tachycardia and hair loss. This article comes from:

(3) Hazards. Flammable and highly toxic. Powerful oxidising agent. May cause fire if ignited by flammable materials. Can form explosive mixtures with reducing agents, organic substances and combustibles (sulphur, phosphorus, metal powders, etc.). Emits toxic nitrogen oxides in the event of combustion or decomposition.This article comes from:

(4) Emergency measures in the event of a spill Isolate the contaminated area and restrict access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust masks (full face) and gas protective clothing. Do not touch the spilled product directly. The spill must not come into contact with organic materials, reducing agents, flammable materials, etc. Small spills: sweep up carefully, bag and transport to a safe place. For large spills, collect or take to a waste disposal centre.This article comes from:

(5) Fire-fighting methods. Firefighters should wear gas masks and full body protective clothing and extinguish fire from upwind side. Use water fog, sand, etc. If the water jet is directed directly at the molten material, a major fire may result from spraying or heavy boiling.This article comes from: This article comes from:




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